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Maslow hierarchy of needs essay

Maslow hierarchy of needs essay

maslow hierarchy of needs essay

Nov 04,  · This is the definitive and original Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. While Maslow referred to various additional aspects of motivation, he expressed the Hierarchy of Needs in these five clear stages. 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, Mar 01,  · The mention of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs brings Abraham Maslow into mind. He is credited for the proposal for this human motivational theory that’s describes the stages of their growth. By definition, it is a concept in psychology that was proposed by Abraham Maslow in his paper entitled ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ in Psychological Review back in the early Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Maslow () devised a pyramid of needs which has five levels, and are arranged in a hierarchy of how important they are for survival. These are, in order: physiological needs, safety and security needs, belongingness, love and social, esteem needs and self actualization

Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs Free Essay Example

Abraham Maslow is a well-known psychologist for his theory on human motivation, specifically the Hierarchy of needs theory, and for his work with monkeys.

This means that greater the motivation, the more constant and intense one will perform s specific task. The basis behind this theory is the knowledge that all behaviour is goal driven, meaning one will do tasks according to what they obtain after the task is complete. The Hierarchy of Needs theory has four different levels before one comes to full self-actualizing.

These levels are, in order, the psychological needs, safety, love and care and esteem needs. The psychological needs are those one needs to survive, such as food, water, oxygen, shelter and more. Thirdly is the need for love and care, which is the need for affection, friends and relationships in general. Lastly, the esteem needs. These needs are those that one gets from him or herself, maslow hierarchy of needs essay.

There are two types, low self esteem and a high self esteem. The low self esteem needs include wanting the respect of others, status, fame, recognition and even dominance. The high self-esteem need is to have respect for yourself; this is the higher of the two self-esteems because self-respect is harder to loose than the respect of others. Self-actualization is to have all of the needs fulfilled and to be settled with a good job.

According to Maslow, a person who is fully self-actualized, have the following character traits. According to his research, e stated that self-actualizers tend to be reality centred, meaning these people can distinguish between what is fake and dishonest from what is real and true. Those who were self-actualized had democratic values; open to ethnic and individual variety, social interest and they enjoyed having intimate personal relationships with a few close friends.

Maslow recorded these findings by observing a group of historical figures, which included Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein and others.

In his findings, he also stated that self-actualizers have a pacifist sense of humour, which means they would rather tell jokes about themselves or at the world in general rather than at maslow hierarchy of needs essay. With all these high-quality traits, there were some flaws with the self-actualizers studied by Maslow.

These flaws were that the subjects that were being tested on suffered from anxiety and guilt. Some of them were absentminded, overly kind and, maslow hierarchy of needs essay, lastly, they had unexpected moments of ruthlessness and a loss of humour. All of these findings of Maslow have created a basic understanding of what things are necessities to humans and which are not.

This theory helped them look for a path to lead their life to success. The fourth need, esteem or ego, comes when humans are teenagers; this means when humans are concerned with respect and popularity and only some humans go on to self-actualizing.

When a person is on the rise of success or promotion or an increase in business profits, they are excited and they motivate themselves to get up in the morning and to do more to get more excitement.

His theory applies to education because if the teacher wants to maximize the effectiveness of teaching programs around the schools and individual classrooms, the administrators must consider what the children want first. If the students feel that the workload is extremely heavy, then administration staff and teachers should take this into account and either lower the workload or give longer due dates for the students to finish their work.

This gives the students encouragement to do their work as they realize the teacher has taken our problem into consideration and has given us what we asked for. Those teachers who know their students needs use this theory and are successful teachers. His theory helped everyone in society to realize basic needs of life and to spend their money and time where it is most needed and worry about the luxuries after the necessities are complete.

Without this inspirational theory created by Maslow, people around the world may not know what the basic needs of life are. For example, the third world countries and first world countries would have even less in common than what they do today. At least today they have the same basic needs, maybe without this theory even this would be different. Therefore, Abraham Maslow as an inspirational maslow hierarchy of needs essay who has lead us to the right way of spending money and time.

Hoffman, Edward. The Right To Be Human. Los Angeles: J. Tarcher, Nancy Benson, Sharon Crosier, Linda Parker. Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs. Accessed May 19, Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs Categories: Game Theory Human Nature Motivation Psychology.

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Your Free Essay Examples and Topics at EduZaurus

maslow hierarchy of needs essay

Maslow grouped our needs into five categories in ascending order: 1 physiological need; 2 safety needs; 3 belongingness and love needs; 4 esteem needs; 5 self-actualisation needs (McGregor, ). Those needs at the bottom of the hierarchy are the most prepotent; that is, they override other needs further up the hierarchy. They are also, in most ordinary life, the needs most Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Maslow () devised a pyramid of needs which has five levels, and are arranged in a hierarchy of how important they are for survival. These are, in order: physiological needs, safety and security needs, belongingness, love and social, esteem needs and self actualization Nov 04,  · This is the definitive and original Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. While Maslow referred to various additional aspects of motivation, he expressed the Hierarchy of Needs in these five clear stages. 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter,

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