· Mother Teresa put aside her personal and emotional desires to help the sick and poor and with her hard work established the hospice; center for the blind, elderly and handicapped; and the leper colony. In , she won the Nobel Peace Award for her humane study. Mother Teresa’s, life is a story of love, sacrifice, and hope · Short Essay on Mother Teresa Essay Writing on Mother Teresa. This spiritual upbringing had a deep impact on Agnes. As a little girl, she began to Mother Teresa Essay in English Words. Mother Teresa was 38 when she took the vows of poverty, purity, · The first essay is a long essay on the Mother Teresa of words. This long essay about Mother Teresa is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Mother Teresa of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
The Life and Work of Mother Teresa - Words | Essay Example
She was a nun by choice. She is a symbol of humanity for the whole world by her work for society. Below we have provided Mother Teresa Essay in English, mother teresa essay, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. Mother Teresa was an independent personality who believed in changing the world by following the path of God. She was born on 26th August in the city of Skopje which the largest city of North Macedonia.
The real name of Mother Teresa was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Mother Teresa belonged to Roman Catholic. Her family called her Gonxha, that means flower bud or little bud in Albanian. She had an elder brother whose name was Lazar and an elder sister with a name- Aga. Nikola Bojaxhiu was her father, who was a successful building contractor and also a merchant who travelled Europe all around. Dranafile Bojaxhiu was her mother who worked as a traditional Albanian housewife who spent her life just cooking, cleaning, mending, and caring for her children and spouse.
Her father took care of a local church along with city mother teresa essay. When the Mother Teresa was just eight years old, his father died suddenly due to serve ill. Until today, mother teresa essay, the cause of his death is uncertain, but it is believed that his death was due to poison given by the political enemies.
After the death of her father, Mother Teresa became very close to her mother. Her mother insisted her to charity and helped others through his life. Even though they were not rich at that time, her mother still sent an open invitation to the people of her area to dine with her family. Mother Teresa first studied in a convent-run primary school and then in a state-run secondary school.
She always sang in the local Sacred Heart choir and often liked to sing solos. At the age of 12, she realized mother teresa essay about religious life when she attended a congregation organized in the Black Madonna church in Lettice. When she turned 18 years old, mother teresa essay, she decided to become a nun and decided to move to Ireland to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin, mother teresa essay.
Once she reached there, she got the name Sister Mary Teresa after Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Then, Sister Mary Teresa Mother Teresa went to Darjeeling for the novitiate period. In the yearSister Mary Teresa made her first profession of vows, mother teresa essay.
That school was run by the Loreto Sisters where only most impoverished Bengali families are invited to study. Since she was well aware of both Hindi and Bengali languages, she was assigned to teach history and geography.
She explained them thoroughly; thereby, they can alleviate their poverty through education. On 24th MaySister Mary adopted her final profession of vows to a life mother teresa essay chastity, obedience, and poverty. In the yearmother teresa essay, Mother Teresa became the principal of the same school. On 5th SeptemberMother Teresa was died at the age of 87 due to diseases like lung, mother teresa essay, and kidney, mother teresa essay.
After her death, the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity numbered 3, and were established in communities in countries across the world. The fact, her work is continuing under the supervision of Sr. M Prema, Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity Sisters. She had worked courageously despite her old age mother teresa essay fragile appearance. She did many accomplishments without getting a step back.
She gave an example of how a single person can make a difference. Indian people should try to live their life like Mother Teresa. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar HOME UPSC UPSC Toppers State Civil Services Indian Polity Notes Essay for UPSC NCERT Books NCERT Books For Class 1 NCERT Mother teresa essay For Class 2 NCERT Books For Class 3 NCERT Books For Class 4 NCERT Books For Class 5 NCERT Books For Class 6 NCERT Books For Class 7 NCERT Books For Class 8 NCERT Books For Class mother teresa essay NCERT Books For Class Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Short Essay on Mother Teresa in English // Essay in Cursive Hand Writing
, time: 5:00Essay on Mother Teresa for Students in English [ Words*]

· Short Essay on Mother Teresa Essay Writing on Mother Teresa. This spiritual upbringing had a deep impact on Agnes. As a little girl, she began to Mother Teresa Essay in English Words. Mother Teresa was 38 when she took the vows of poverty, purity, In our essay Mother Teresa is an outstanding person who had a considerable impact on society. So it is no wonder that her activity was recognized worldwide. To prove these words, PurEssay writing team wants to mention that in Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for work aimed to “overcome poverty and distress in the world, which also constitute a threat to peace.” · Essay on Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa is one of the greatest humanitarian in the world’s history. She was a lady who devoted her whole life for the needy & poor people. She was a profoundly pious lady & a catholic Christian. She was a nun by blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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