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Cause and effect essay examples college

Cause and effect essay examples college

cause and effect essay examples college

Cause and effect essays; Problem solution essays; Compare and contrast essays ; Process essays ; The structure of an expository essay will vary according to the scope of the assignment and the nature of your topic. Refer to the following section and find interesting expository essay examples for students of all academic levels Cause-Effect Patterns This pattern is used to show the different causes and effects of various conditions. This pattern is particularly effective when writing a persuasive document in which the writer advocates some action to solve a problem, because it demonstrates important relationships between variables Apr 25,  · Okay so cause and effect essays are written in different formats, but let me say in my college profession for the essays to be written were to be in APA format, and it is interesting when researching and writing whether it is from information you have researched or if it free lance

Cause and Effect Essay Topics - Owlcation

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. For step-by-step instructions, see How to Write a Cause Essay, cause and effect essay examples college. Ryan McGuire CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby.

skeeze CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Public Domain Pictures CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Question: What do you think of the essay topic "What are the causes and effects of the decline of ethics in Pakistani politics?

Question: What do you think of the essay topic, "What effects do cell phone use have on teenagers"? Answer: As a mom who has raised teenagers in the era of cellphones, I certainly am interested in this topic. I've had many students do topics along this vein. Here cause and effect essay examples college some other ideas:. Question: What do you think of the topic, "What are the causes and effects of the Myanmar civil war?

What you need in personnel, capital fundssupplies and building space to start your business. Question: The "employment syndrome" crippled entrepreneurial initiative of indigenous Zimbabwe. What are the causes and suggest various innovative ways to curb employment syndrome? Answer: You have an interesting question. It would be important to define and describe the "employment syndrome" in Zimbabwe.

If your audience is very familiar with this term, then you just need a sentence or two. If you were writing to a U. audience, cause and effect essay examples college, they would probably not know the situation at all, and you would need to give a fuller explanation and examples. The second part of the question cause and effect essay examples college actually a different kind of essay, a problem solution essay.

However, it is often true that these two types of essays are linked. As I point out in "How to Write a Problem Solution Essay," you must first determine the most important causes of a problem before you can decide on a solution.

How you write this essay would depend on whether the most important point you want to make is to discuss the causes, or to provide some innovative solutions. If you are intending to write mostly about the causes, then the body of the paper the main middle part should have a detailed description and analysis of the causes and then you can give some brief ideas of innovative solutions in the conclusion.

If your main point is to discuss solutions, then the first one or two paragraphs should describe the situation and the causes and the body of the paper should give detailed ideas of how to solve this problem.

The conclusion could then explain how those solutions are the best because they are the most feasible, practical and effective. Question: What do you think of the topic, "What effect does an increased use of technology have on health?

Question: Can you give me some suggestions for the essay topic, "What are the causes and effects of war"? Answer: Talking about the causes and effects of a war is a big topic, cause and effect essay examples college. It might be better to talk about a particular war and focus mostly on causes or effects. For example:. Question: What are the causes of the employment syndrome? Additionally, the essay prompt requires that you should suggest various innovative ways to curb the problem.

Answer: You have a two-step essay question which asks you to first investigate the causes of the problem and then suggest solutions. To organize this kind of essay, you might want to start with an example of the problem for the introduction. Then define and explain "employment syndrome. Head into the second part of the body by using the second question to start a new paragraph, "How can we solve the problem of employment syndrome?

In order to figure out a solution, you must always first investigate the cause. Question: What is a good thesis for the following topic: What are the effects of homeschooling on children? Answer: Your thesis will depend on your opinion about the topic and whether you cause and effect essay examples college the effects of homeschooling are positive or negative. Here are some typical answers:.

Positive: children learn to be independent learners, families can teach children their own values often religious oneschildren can learn faster, cause and effect essay examples college, and at their own pace, cause and effect essay examples college, homeschooling eliminates problems with bullying, and traditional schooling means students waste a lot of time that isn't directly related to learning.

Negative: students don't learn to make friends, children don't learn socially acceptable behavior, parents don't always know how to teach effectively, children may not meet normal educational standards. These are just suggestions. You should pick three or four effects that you think are important and put them in a sentence like this:. Question: Would this make a good essay topic: "What is the cause and effect of online shopping? Question: What do you think of, "How does a girl's relationship with her father affect her relationship with other men?

What causes a girl's relationship with her father to influence her relationship with other men? What causes the father-daughter relationship to be so crucial in forming cause and effect essay examples college woman's ability to have good relationships with other men?

Question: What do you think of the topic, "What are the effects of video games on children? Question: What do you think of the essay topic "What is the cause of illegal immigration? Question: What do you think of this as an essay topic: What is the effect on learning when students do most of their work reading from a computer or tablet rather than paper and books? Answer: My students have been researching this question for the past few years because many of cause and effect essay examples college have not had paper books for class in high school, cause and effect essay examples college.

You will find some fascinating research which suggests that not having a hard copy of books can make it harder to remember information. Question: Is "What is the effect of playing rather than studying for a long test" a good essay topic? Answer: This topic is probably a little too obvious.

Of course, if you play rather than study, you won't do as well on the test. However, this could be an interesting topic if you went further than that and talked about the effects, or consequences, of never paying close attention to your studies.

What are the long-term consequences of neglecting to study for tests? Question: What do you think of the essay topic "What are the causes of the military technology?

Question: What do you think about, "What causes teenagers to become sexually active? Answer: This question is a good "trending" cause topic. Here are some other questions:. What causes teenagers to enter into a sexually active relationship in you can state an age or grade here to be more specific? Answer: Rather than a personal question, a better essay would ask a more general one, like:, cause and effect essay examples college.

Question: Does using technology like iPads or smartboards in classrooms cause students to learn better? Question: What do you think of the topic, "Today young people spend less and less time reading books. What are the results of this trend? What causes young people today to spend less time reading than previous generations and what will be the effects of this trend? Question: What do you think of, "What causes paranoia? What's the effect?

Answer: Psychological or mental health topics are always interesting to research, but be sure that your instructor accepts this kind of topic. There generally needs to be some disagreement about the cause to make this paper work.

If the cause is considered clear and uncontroversial, then you would cause and effect essay examples college writing an Explaining essay rather than a cause argument essay. Here are some other possibilities:. What causes obsessive-compulsive disorder? How does having this disorder affect a person's life and work?

Question: What do you think of the essay topic questions "What is the effect of divorce on children? Answer: Those are both good questions. I think that you could do just one of those or keep the second question as part of your conclusion if you discover that the age does make a difference.

Other articles on divorce and children could be:. What is cause and effect essay examples college effect that a parent's divorce has on their children's dating and marriage relationships?

Answer: Co-housing is an intentional community structure where people cause and effect essay examples college private spaces but also share many community spaces, property, activities and areas like large kitchens, eating areas and recreational property. Here are some good thesis ideas:. Answer: That is an interesting question because the obvious answer is that two planes ran into the buildings, but you could delve deeper into the causes both in politics, economics, and religion.

Question: What do you think about the essay topic "What is the customer satisfaction about credit cards? Answer: This question is phrased as an explaining essay rather than a cause and effect. Here are some cause and effect questions on this issue:. Question: I'm doing a cause and effect essay about being color blind. My essay has to be three pages long and I can't find many effects. Can you help me? Answer: Start by looking at the many causes of color blindness, which happens both from birth and from a variety of illnesses.

Then to find effects you need to search for things like "living with color blindness," "problems with being color blind," "living with color deficiency," and "dangers of colorblindness. Question: How can I use cause and effect essay examples college topic of illegal immigration to write a cause and effect essay? My professor said it's too broad. Answer: A good cause and effect essay topic does need to be specific enough that you can find good sources and exciting examples.

Here are some possible causal research questions on immigration:. Question: What do you think of, "How does standardized testing effect student dropout rates?

How to write Cause-Effect Essays- Focus on Causes \u0026 Effects #englishessay #essaywriting #causeeffect

, time: 9:33

Cause and Effect – Writing for Success

cause and effect essay examples college

Cause and effect essays; Problem solution essays; Compare and contrast essays ; Process essays ; The structure of an expository essay will vary according to the scope of the assignment and the nature of your topic. Refer to the following section and find interesting expository essay examples for students of all academic levels Nov 19,  · Narrative Essay Definition and Types of Essay. We have a few words about the narrative definition before we move on – a narrative paper is a type of academic assignment that tells a story about the writer’s personal experience while making a point Make sure you choose the essay topic that is important for you. Choosing the correct essay topic makes your cause and effect essay more successful. Speaking from your heart and mind instead of listing some vague ideas brings your writing to the next level and makes a great effect on your reader

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