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Diversity in workplace research paper

Diversity in workplace research paper

diversity in workplace research paper

Excerpt from Research Paper: Improving Diversity. Introduction. Recognizing diversity is one of the most important factors that managers and businesses have to face today (Wong & Chin, ). Diversity is a part of the human experience in the global environment that Gender Diversity. Results from empirical studies suggest that diversity may have a positive effect in the workplace. In respect to this, women have contributed a lot to the growth of economies in the world. In the past women held low responsibility tasks or temporary jobs in organizations This article demonstrates that a diversity and equality management system (DEMS) contributes to firm performance beyond the effects of a traditional high-performance work system (HPWS), which consists of bundles of work practices and policies used extensively in high-performing fi rms. A DEMS typi-cally includes diversity training and monitoring recruitment, pay, and promotion across minority or other

Workplace Diversity Research Papers -

Diversity is a part of the human diversity in workplace research paper in the global environment that persists virtually in every setting around the world. Diversity is not just a matter of culture, however; it is also a matter of generation. companies at the forefront of effecting change through diversity and inclusion. They are generally skeptical and tend to look out for themselves. They will leave an organization if they feel it is in their best self-interest to do so, especially if they perceive that the organization is untrustworthy or potentially problematic.

They are focused on getting ahead, using technology to achieve their objectives, and are used to having freedom and choice as a result of so much exposure to the Internet of Things. They are digital natives, unlike Generation Y. They also see far more opportunities for themselves than prior generations. Generation Y also wants to be heard and they tend to not understood when management does not take their ideas to heart.

Generation X does not always appreciate the need to keep up with these changes. So it can be seen how there are many differences between Generation X and Generation Y. These differences can make it difficult for the former to manage effectively the latter.

One of the main challenges that Generation X has when managing Generation Y is the problem of acknowledging the new ideas that Generation Y has regarding efficiency and usage of tools and technology in the workplace—but because of a lack of interest or connectivity with these concepts, Generation X can tend to dismiss them out of hand, which discourages Generation Y and leads them to believe that Generation X managers are incompetent and out of touch.

Another challenge Gen X managers face with Gen Y workers diversity in workplace research paper that Gen Y workers want more flexibility in their work schedules. They are used to the flexibility afforded them by using the Internet of Things—and they want that same flexibility when it comes to the workplace.

They know that if they can get their work done on time from anywhere in the world, coming in to the office at a set time and leaving at a set time can be an archaic way of doing business. The Internet has made it so that Gen Y workers and anyone who is a digital native can work from long distances, take work with them on the go, and lead a more flexible lifestyle in general.

There is also the issue of how Gen Y wants to develop: they do not want to be boxed into one role but would rather be able to create multiple roles for themselves so that they can enhance their resumes and become more attractive as workers in general. They want opportunities to engage in systematic developmental procedures, as they are used to learning in systematized ways.

They would prefer to work in organizations that provide them with these avenues. Finally, diversity in workplace research paper, the Gen X managers have to face the issue of how to lead Gen Y workers.

They must choose an appropriate leadership diversity in workplace research paper that is conducive to the needs and orientation of Gen Y workers. Autocratic leadership style is unlikely to be effective and Gen X is unlikely to provide a servant leadership style to ensure that Gen Y workers have their needs met in whatever way they require.

Therefore, diversity in workplace research paper issue serves a major challenge as well. This would eliminate the need for an archaic, arbitrary 9 to 5 framework and provide Gen Y with the flexibility they desire.

Second, the systematic and individual development procedures would enable Gen X managers to give Gen Y workers the avenues to personal and professional development they desire, diversity in workplace research paper. Third, a coaching form of leadership would enable Gen X to use its autocratic skills in a way that is still oriented towards serving the Gen Y worker, which is what Gen Y desires.

How communal associations and self-groups are vital for economic and social life especially in areas where the businesses either fail or do not function properly with respect to issues of diversity and inclusivity is something that companies have to consider, diversity in workplace research paper. Starbucks considered them by taking diversity in workplace research paper clear and decisive step towards acknowledging that not everyone has the same idea or perspective on race as everyone else—and that talking about it can go a long way in bridging those gaps.

When a business authority is missing in action in terms of diversity and inclusivity, local self-groups and other institutions play a major role in maintaining social order and providing social services such as health and education Logan, They have focused on the achievement gapwhich prevent underprivileged populations from being given a chance to succeed in the real world Darling-Hammond, One of the ways that the then CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz used to promote diversity and get more people engaged on the matter in the workplace was to adopt diversity in workplace research paper new perspective on inclusivity.

Critical race theory uses a race-conscious approach to the concept of change; political formation and activity is a necessary component according to this theory, diversity in workplace research paper.

Developing the story of oppression through creative story-telling and artistic endeavor is another component that is highlighted in critical race theory.

Companies like Starbucks have used this theory to create an Initiative that challenges the entrenched viewpoints of others in the community and within their own workplace culture to help bring about a more open and diverse workplace. Conclusion In conclusionthe issues faced by Gen X managers in managing Gen Y workers mainly center on the desire of Gen Y workers to be respected as knowledgeable individuals: they want to be coached, not led or dictated to. By identifying the needs of Gen Y, such as their need to belong and feel secure, managers can promote policies in the workplace that allow for a more welcoming and diverse culture.

Companies that currently promote diversity and inclusivity in the U. References Darling-Hammond, L. Want to close the achievement gap? Close the teaching gap. American Educator, 38 4 Gajjar, T.

Diversity management: What are the leading hospitality and tourism companies reporting?. Katz, J. Diversity and Inclusion in OD. OD Practitioner, 50 4 Kruskal, J. Fostering diversity and inclusion: a summary of the intersociety summer conference. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 15 5 Kultalahti, S. Generation Y—challenging clients for HRM?, diversity in workplace research paper.

Journal of Managerial Psychology, diversity in workplace research paper, 30 1 Logan, N. The Starbucks Race Together Initiative: Analyzing a public relations campaign with critical race theory. Public Relations Inquiry, 5 1 Wong, N. Issues and Challenges Faced by Generation X While Managing Generation Y. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 7 2diversity in workplace research paper, Diversity Workplace religio Annotated Bibliography Borstorff, P.

The Perils of Religious Accommodation: Employees' Perceptions. Proceedings of the Academy of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 14 1 The Perils of Religious Accommodation: Employees' Perceptions attempts to analyze, and to a certain degree to quantify, the effectiveness of employers in the workplace in their allowance for differences in faith in terms of religious observance for their employees.

The primary methodology. Diversity Consciousness Personal Growth My reasons for taking this course include personal interest in diversity issues and especially in how diversity impacts social justice.

My diversity awareness has improved significantly after taking this course. The biggest impact the course has had is on opening my eyes to social injustices that continue to occur in the United States. I am more aware of both the causes and effects of injustice, and am more aware.

Diversity and Motivation Human Resources Manager of a good company would have an extremely responsible job on his shoulders. He would, in essence, be responsible for the well being of the employees of the company as well as for their efficient working in a manner that would bring profit for the company and not a loss.

If he were to neglect his duties, the company would suffer, as would the employees. diversity in the workplace and how it affects those who work at the company. The writer explores the different diverse populations such as gender, age, race and personalities and discusses the problems and benefits of such diversity.

The writer also discusses solutions to various problems that may arise. As the world continues the process of globalization workplace diversity is becoming more and more common, diversity in workplace research paper. The world will only become grayer. Culture and Diversity: Workplace Conflicts Workplace Conflict: Diversity Training Diversity-training is one of the most common methods used by organizations today to address cultural differences among employees, and thereby minimize the risk of workplace conflict Samovar, et al.

It basically entails i educating employees on how cultural differences at the workplace could affect the way people interact, and ii raising their personal awareness on the compliance issues of sexual harassment, Equal. Indeed, it has been stated in some quarters that human resources are the most valuable organizational assets.

I wouldn't agree more. To ensure that they have the right diversity in workplace research paper to advance their agenda and achieve their objectives, organizations routinely seek to bring on board the most. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

Download this Research Paper in word format. Read Full Research Paper. Report this Document. Diversity Workplace Religio Annotated Bibliography Borstorff, P. Diversity Consciousness Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Communication Paper : Diversity and Motivation Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Careers Paper : Diversity in the Workplace Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Careers Paper : Workplace Conflicts: Culture and Diversity Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Careers Paper : Diversity: Impact on Staffing and Organizational Effectiveness Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Business - Management Paper :

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Diversity In The Workplace Research Paper - Words | Bartleby

diversity in workplace research paper

Excerpt from Research Paper: Improving Diversity. Introduction. Recognizing diversity is one of the most important factors that managers and businesses have to face today (Wong & Chin, ). Diversity is a part of the human experience in the global environment that Gender Diversity. Results from empirical studies suggest that diversity may have a positive effect in the workplace. In respect to this, women have contributed a lot to the growth of economies in the world. In the past women held low responsibility tasks or temporary jobs in organizations This article demonstrates that a diversity and equality management system (DEMS) contributes to firm performance beyond the effects of a traditional high-performance work system (HPWS), which consists of bundles of work practices and policies used extensively in high-performing fi rms. A DEMS typi-cally includes diversity training and monitoring recruitment, pay, and promotion across minority or other

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