Personal Narrative: My Christian Journey. Words 4 Pages. Show More. On August 26, , I gave my life to Christ, and it was the start of a whole new chapter of my journey. I still remember that night vividly in my head. The feelings of excitement, joy, and love were very tangible in my heart. My mom and dad were both sitting beside me on Spiritual Journey Essay A Spiritual Journey. Just like how Momaday relived his ancestor’s trails, I had a chance as well. I was lucky enough to My Spiritual Journey: The Journey Of My Spiritual Journeys. My spiritual journey began as a child who was enrolled in The Journey: Spiritual Spiritual Journey Essay. Better Essays. Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. I believe we’re all on a journey, and by letting our spirituality envelop us we our able to find our purpose. A big prominent question I face in my life, and think about often is, if we learn about our spirituality are we able to begin a spiritual journey, and find our purpose?
Spiritual Journey Essay | Bartleby
A journey can be defined as a process of moving towards a certain point. Human life is also characterized as a continuous movement. Therefore, the concept of journey is very close to our lives. The questions related to searching for the sense of life and exploring the nature of existence are regarded as the ones that all human beings were looking the answers for since the beginning of the history, spiritual journey essay.
The process of discovering the nature of the being can be considered a journey with the ultimate point that is difficult to be reached. However, the process of such spiritual journey can help the person to gain the priceless knowledge about human life.
Analyzing the benefits of the processes of spiritual and physical journeys helps to reveal how they help the person to explore the nature of existence, spiritual journey essay. Any attempt to focus on spiritual experience and explore the sense of being can be considered a spiritual journey. People go on such journeys while devoting their time to reading a certain kind of books, communicating with other people about spiritual themes, participating in spiritual practices or religious activities, etc.
Any of these steps has the ultimate objective, which can be determined by finding the truth about the sense of human existence and defining the right way to live the life according to this truth. Reaching this ultimate objective appears to be a very complicated task, as the wisest men of different times tried to find the answers to the existential questions and did not succeed. However, all of these men gained the invaluable knowledge about the specifics of human nature and the laws of human life.
Such spiritual journeys help to explore what it means to live truly and prevent being afraid of death. One of the rewards of any spiritual experience is the comprehension of the temporality of earthly life and understanding of the importance of focusing on eternal values. The process of this journey helped him to learn more about the nature of existence and analyze his life based on spiritual journey essay gained knowledge.
Physical journeys can be regarded as one of the effective ways to broaden the worldview, and, therefore, understand the nature of existence.
From the ancient times, people were spiritual journey essay to distant countries, and long-term journeys were made for the sake of exploration. While people were searching for discoveries and conquering the unknown places, they were discovering not only new continents and countries but also new aspects of the existence.
Their view of the world and human life was changing with every new journey. Nowadays people travel to improve and broaden the borders of personal worldview through the prism of new impressions. Therefore, spiritual journey essay, it contributes to the personal growth and teaches to understand the world. Both spiritual and physical journeys present great value not because of the goals they help to reach but because of the benefits the processes involved in their realization give.
That are the cases when the way to the final point is precious itself, even if the point is not reached. The spiritual journey essay of a spiritual journey aimed at searching for the truth can be considered extremely fruitful even if the ultimate objective is not reached. Such process helps the person to understand spiritual journey essay it means to be a human and which kind of life can be regarded as the righteous one, spiritual journey essay.
The process of a physical journey can also be regarded as the favorable one as it puts the person under the conditions that help to see the new sides of life and learn about those aspects of life that cannot be explored while leading a routine life at one place. Both spiritual and physical journeys help to explore the nature of existence. The process of spiritual journey essay spiritual journey benefits the person with new knowledge and a better understanding of the world.
Any person eager to find out what is the righteous way of living the life, spiritual journey essay, what are main goals of human existence, and how to overcome the affection for earthly values and the fear of death, should try to go on a journey that will bring much new knowledge and wisdom. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.
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What Is a Spiritual Journey and How You Get started with Spirituality
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My Spiritual Journey Essay. I have only had three chapters in my life regarding my spiritual journey. The first chapter was from birth until I was twelve years old. My parents would take me to church with them every Sunday. Even when I was old enough to read the Bible on my own, I May 11, · The process of discovering the nature of the being can be considered a journey with the ultimate point that is difficult to be reached. We will write a custom Essay on Spiritual and Physical Journeys in Human Life specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. My Journey On My Spiritual Journey Essay. Words6 Pages. As I reflect back on my spiritual journey, I remember times of questioning God, praying in times of need, and asking why certain things happen the way they do. My journey has brought me through rough patches of my life and times of life learning lessons
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