Accession number Ms, f John Adams > A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law “Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind.” This is an observation of Dr. Tillotson, with relation to the interest of his fellow men in a future and immortal state “A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law,” published unsigned and untitled in the Boston Gazette, 12, 19 August, 30 September, 21 October , was at once John Adams' first effort to determine the significance of New England in American history and his initial contribution to the literature of the American Revolution A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law Kindle Edition. A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law. Kindle Edition. "A timely novel highlighting the worth and delicate nature of Nature itself." -Delia Owens Learn blogger.coms: 1
A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law by John Adams
Despite their original intention to strive for self-improvement by pursuing both legal and rhetorical studies, in practice the members of the Sodality confined themselves almost exclusively to discussing the historical significance of feudal law. These conversations prompted Adams to set down in fragmentary form—possibly as a prelude to presenting his colleagues in the Sodality with a finished essay for their private consideration—some random thoughts about the historic function of canon and feudal law as systems, respectively, of clerical and secular tyranny, the importance of the settlement of New England as a decisive episode in the chronicle of liberty's struggle against these two particular forms of despotism, and the role of popular education as a bulwark of freedom in colonial New England samep.
Ibelow. III — Vbelow. V and VIbelow. Before the outbreak of the War for Independence it was reprinted in England three times, on each occasion without Adams' prior knowledge or consent.
In Thomas Hollis, an English radical determined to bring about the repeal of the Stamp Act, procured the republication of this work in the London Chronicle23, 28 Nov. Hollis was speedily disabused of this error by the Rev. Andrew Eliot, one of his correspondents in Boston, who advised him that Adams was the real author Andrew Eliot to Thomas Hollis, 27 Sept.
The responsibility for this edition has yet to be determined. In order to dispose English public opinion to support peace negotiations on terms the American commissioners thought favorable, Adams secured the publication in London in of A of State-Papers, Relative to the First Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, and the Reception of Their Minister. the States General of dissertation on the canon and feudal United Netherlands.
To which is Prefixed the Political Character of John Adams, Ambassador. the Netherlands. By an American. Likewise an Essay on Canon and Feudal Law, dissertation on the canon and feudal J. Adams, Esq. MBAt pamphlet copy. Adams did this largely through the agency of Edmund Jenings, a native Marylander with contacts among English printers; he probably also wrote the laudatory sketch of Adams in the above pamphlet JA to Edmund Jenings, 28 April19— 28 Aug.
LbC30 Aug. So far the responsibility for this edition has not been determined. Liberty, that has been compelled to skulk about in Corners of the Earth, and been everlastingly persecuted by the great, the rich, the noble, the Reverend, the proud, the Lasey, the Ambitious, avaricious, dissertation on the canon and feudal, and Revengeful, who have from the beginning dissertation on the canon and feudal almost all the sons of Adam.
Liberty, that complication of real Honour, Piety, Virtue Dignity, and Glory, which has never been enjoyd, in its full Perfection, by more than ten or twelve Millions of Men at any Time, since the Creation, will reign in America, over hundreds and Thousands of Millions at a Time. In future ages, when the Bones and sinews that now direct this Pen, shall become indistinguishable from the rest of Mother Earth, and perhaps incorporate into some Plant or other Animal, Man shall make his true Figure, upon this Continent, He shall make that great and happy Figure among Intellectual and sensible reigns that his great Creator intended he should in other Countries before his Ruin was effected by the Lust of Tyrants.
When science, Literature, Civility, Politeness, Humanity, every Christian grace and Virtue shall be well understood by all Men, when a few one shall not be able to deceive a Thousand and two because 10, of their Souls and Bodies then will be the Aera of human Happiness. Knowledge monopolized, or in the Possession of a few, is a Curse to Mankind. We should dispense it among all Ranks.
We should educate our children. Equality should be preserved in knowledge. Property monopolized or in the Possession of a few is a Curse to Mankind. We should preserve not an Absolute Equality, dissertation on the canon and feudal. The Happiness of a Milion is in the sight of God, and in the Estimation of every honest and humane Mind, of more Importance, than that of 20 or an Hundred.
Even tho the former may be called the Mob, the Vulgar, or the Herd, and tho the former may be called the reverd or right reverend, the honourable, or excellent, or noble, or puissant, or royal—for Happiness is Happiness to every human Creature, and they all feel nearly the Like Sensations from Hunger, Frost, from broken Bones, and bruised Flesh, notwithstand ing all such Accidental Titles of Dignity or Reproach.
Let us reverence, dissertation on the canon and feudal, with hearty Gratitude, the Memory of the late Chief Justice Dudley, 2 for his noble Foundation of a Lecture on the Validity of Presbyterian ordinations, an Institution, that will redound more to his Honor and that of his family, than all the offices, that could have been bestowd upon him by the Crown or the People, an Institution that has given every Friend to unsullied Liberty, a great Idea both of his foresight and Public Spirit.
MS Adams Papers. Because JA was heavily influenced by the Dudleian Lecture delivered by Jonathan Mayhew on 8 May see below, No. IV, note 3and No. V, note 2there are good grounds for assuming that JA jotted down these notes no earlier than that date. Although JA expounded at some length in his draft and in the finished version on the dangers of monopolized knowledge, he did not develop the theme of the dangers of monopolized property and of the extremes of wealth and poverty.
His concentration on the monopolization of knowledge probably grew out of concern over the Stamp Act with its taxes on newspapers, college diplomas, and the like. Paul Dudley — graduated from Harvard in He served as attorney general of Massachusetts from toSuperior Court justice from toand chief justice of the same court from until his death.
But it is of equal Truth and Importance, when applied to the Happiness of Men, on this side the Grave. In the early Ages of the World absolute Monarchy seems to have been the universal form of Government. Kings and a few of their great Counsellors and Captains exercised, a cruel Tyranny over their Vassals and Subjects the People, dissertation on the canon and feudal, who were little higher in those Days in the scale of intelligence than the Camells and Asses and Elephants, that carried them and their Arms and their Engines, to War.
By What Causes it was brought to pass that the People, in the middle ages, became more generally intelligent, would not perhaps be practicable, in these days to discover. But the Fact is certain, and it is as certain, that wherever, a general Knowledge and sensibility have prevailed among the People, Arbitrary Government and every kind of oppression, have lessened and disappeared in Proportion.
Man has an exalted soul! This Principle, it is, that has always prompted, the Kings and Princes and Dissertation on the canon and feudal of the Earth to grasp at unlimited P ower by every subtlety to shake off, all the Limits of their Power: and the Same Principle has always prompted the Common People, to aspire at Independancy, and to confine the Power of the great ones, within the Limits of Reason, and Equity. The poor People, it is true, have been much less successful, than the Great.
They had not so dissertation on the canon and feudal Leisure, they knew not so well how to unite and exert their strength—ignorant as they were of Arts and Letters, they could not frame and support a regular system of opposition. This has been known, by the great, to be the Temper of Mankind and they have accordingly laboured, in all Ages, to wrest from the Populace, dissertation on the canon and feudal, both the Knowledge of their Rights and Wrongs, and the Power to assert the former, and redress the Latter.
I say Rights, for such they have undoubtedly, antecedent to all Earthly Government, Rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human Laws—Rights derived from the great Legislater of the Universe.
Since the Promulgation of Dissertation on the canon and feudal the two greatest systems of Tyranny that have Sprung from this source, are the Cannon and the feudal Law.
The Desire of Dominion, however noble and useful on the whole, is however, when unawed and unrestrained by Hopes and Fears, an encroaching, grasping, restless and ungovernable Principle. And among all the Variety of iniquitous systems that have been contrived by the great, for the Gratification of it, in themselves was never So successful, as in the Invention and Establishment of the Cannon and the Feudal Law.
In the former, the most refined, sublime, extensive and astonishing Constitution of Policy that was dissertation on the canon and feudal conceived by the dissertation on the canon and feudal Mind, we find was framed by dissertation on the canon and feudal Romish Clergy, for the Aggrandisement of dissertation on the canon and feudal own order. All the Epithets, that I have given to the Romish Policy, will be owned to be just, when it is considered, that they found it practicable to persuade Mankind, that God almighty had intrusted them with the Keys of Heaven, whose Gate they might open and Close at Pleasure—With a Power of Dispensation over all the Rules and Obligations of Morality—With an Authority to Licence all sorts both of Sins and Crimes.
Dissertation on the canon and feudal all these opinions, they were enabled to propagate and rivet in the Minds of the People, by reducing the Minds of the Common People them to a State of Sordid Ignorance and staring Timidity, and by infusing into them a religious Horror of Letters and Knowledge of every Kind.
Thus was human Nature chained fast for ages in a cruel, dissertation on the canon and feudal, deplorable Servitude, to him and his Subordinate Tyrants, who it was foretold, would exalt himself above all that was called God and that was worshiped.
In the latter We find another System, Similar in many Respects to the former: which, altho it was originally formed, perhaps for the necessary Defense of a barbarous People, against the Inroads and Invasions of her neighboring nations; Yet for the Same Purposes of Tyranny, Cruelty and Lust, which had dictated the Cannon Law, it was soon adopted by allmost all the Princes of Europe and wrought into the Constitution of their Govt.
It was originally a Code of Laws for a vast Army in a Perpetual Encampment. The General was invested with the Sovereign Propriety of all the Lands within their Territory—of Him the first Rank of his great officers, held the Lands, immediately, and the other subordinate Ranks, held of them, and all held by a Variety of Duties and services, tending to bind the Chains the faster on every order of Mankind.
In this Manner the Common People were held together in Clans and Herds in a State of Servile Dependance on their Lords, bound by the tenure of their lands to follow them to their Wars whenever they commanded, and in a state of total Ignorance of every Thing divine and humane, excepting the Use of Arms and the Culture of the Lands, dissertation on the canon and feudal.
But another Event, still more calamitous to human Liberty, was a wicked Confederacy between the two Systems of Tyrany above described. It seems to have been even stipulated between them that the temporal Grandees, should contribute every Thing in their Power to maintain the Ascendancy of the Priesthood, and the Spiritual Grandees in their turn, shold employ that ascendancy over the Consciences of the People, in impressing on their Minds a blind, implicit obedience to civil Magistracy.
Thus, as long as this Confederacy lasted and the People were kept in Ignorance, Liberty, and with her Knowledge and Virtue too, seem dissertation on the canon and feudal have deserted the Earth, and one Age of Darkness succeeded another, till God in his Providence, dissertation on the canon and feudal, raised up the Champions who began and conducted the Reformation. From the Time of the Reformation, to the first settlement of America, Knowledge gradually increased in Europe but especially in England and as fast as Knowledge increased, and Spread among the People, Ecclesiastical and civil Tyranny, which I use as synonimous Expressions for the Cannon and feudal Law, Seem to have lost their strength and Weight.
The People grew more and more sensible of the Wrong that was done them, by those systems, more and more impatient under it, and determined at all Hazards to rid themselves of dissertation on the canon and feudal, till the struggle at last, under the Stewarts grew, formidable violent and bloody.
It was this Struggle that peopled America. It is commonly Said that these Colonies were peopled by Religion—But I should rather say that the Love of Liberty, projected conducted and accomplished the settlement of America. On the Canon and Feudal law. The Essay is printed in the Works of JA vol iii p IIIbelow. There are many stylistic variations between the Dft and printed texts, but in regard to matters of substance both are virtually alike.
The Dft contains all but the last paragraph and a half of the printed text, and was probably written sometime late in July or early in Augustalthough this is only a surmise. Tillotson1 with relation to the interest of his fellow-men, in a future and immortal state: But it is of equal truth and importance, if applied to the happiness of men in society, on this side the grave. In the earliest ages of the world, absolute monarchy seems to have been the universal form of government.
Kings, and a few dissertation on the canon and feudal their great counsellors and captains, dissertation on the canon and feudal, exercised a cruel tyranny over the people who held a rank in the scale of intelligence, in those days, but little higher than the camels and elephants, that carried them and their engines to war.
BY what causes it was bro't to pass, that the people in the middle ages, became more intelligent in general, would not perhaps be possible in these days to discover: But the fact is certain; and wherever a general knowledge and sensibility have prevail'd among the peoplearbitrary government, and every kind of oppression, have lessened and disappeared in proportion.
Man has certainly an exalted soul! and the same principle in humane nature, that aspiring noble principle, founded in benevolence, and cherished by knowledge, I mean the love of power, which has been so often the cause of slaveryhas, whenever freedom has existed, been the cause of freedom. If it is this principle, that has always prompted the princes and nobles of the earth, by every species of fraud and violence, to shake off, all the limitations of their power; it is the same that has always stimulated the common people to aspire at independency, and to endeavor at confining the power of the great within the limits of equity dissertation on the canon and feudal reason.
THE poor people, it is true, dissertation on the canon and feudal, have been much less successful than the great. They have seldom found either leisure or opportunity to form an union and exert their strength—ignorant as they were of arts and letters, they have seldom been able to frame and support a regular opposition.
This, however, has been known, by the great, to be the temper of mankind, and they have accordingly laboured, dissertation on the canon and feudal, in all ages, to wrest from the populace, as they are contemptuously called, the knowledge of their rights and wrongs, and the power to assert the former or redress the latter.
I say RIGHTS, for such they have, undoubtedly, antecedent to all earthly government— Rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws— Rights derived from the great legislator of the universe. SINCE the promulgation of Christianity, the two greatest systems of tyranny, that have sprung from this original, are the cannon and the feudal law.
The desire of dominion, that great principle by which we have attempted to account for so much good, and so much evil, is, when properly restraineda very useful and noble movement in the human mind: But when such restraints are taken off, it becomes an incroaching, grasping, restless and ungovernable power.
Numberless have been the systems of iniquity, contrived by the great, for the gratification of this passion in themselves: but in none of them were they ever more successful, than in the invention and establishment of the cannon and the feudal law. BY the former of these, the most refined, sublime, extensive, and astonishing constitution of policy, that ever was conceived by the mind of man, was framed by the Romish clergy for the aggrandisement of their own order.
Nay with the mysterious, awful, incomprehensible power of creating out of bread and wine, the flesh and blood of God himself. All these opinions, they were enabled to spread and rivet among the people, by reducing their minds to a state of sordid ignorance and staring timidity; and by infusing into them a religious horror of letters and knowledge.
Thus was human nature chained fast for ages, in a cruel, shameful and deplorable servitude, to him and his subordinate tyrants, who, it was foretold, would exalt himself above all that was called God, and that was worshipped. IN the latter, we find another system similar in many respects, to the former: 3 which, altho' it was originally formed perhaps, for the necessary defence of a barbarous people, against the inroads and in- vasions of her neighbouring nations; yet, for the same purposes of tyranny, cruelty and lust, which had dictated the cannon law, it was soon adopted by dissertation on the canon and feudal all the princes of Europe, and wrought into the constitutions of their government.
It was originally, a code of laws, for a vast army, in a perpetual encampment. The general was invested with the sovereign propriety of all the lands within the territory. Of himas his servants and vassals, the first rank of his great officers held the lands: and in the same manner, the other subordinate officers held of them ; and all ranks and degrees held their lands, by a variety of duties and servicesall tending to bind the chains the faster, on every order of mankind.
In this manner, the common people were held together, in herds and clans, dissertation on the canon and feudal, in a state of servile dependance on their lords; bound, even by the tenure of their lands to follow them, whenever they commanded, to their wars; and in a state of total ignorance of every thing divine and human, excepting the use of arms, and the culture of their lands.
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Accession number Ms, f John Adams > A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law “Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind.” This is an observation of Dr. Tillotson, with relation to the interest of his fellow men in a future and immortal state A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law Kindle Edition. A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law. Kindle Edition. "A timely novel highlighting the worth and delicate nature of Nature itself." -Delia Owens Learn blogger.coms: 1 John adams a dissertation on the canon and feudal law for nietzsche first essay. She studied the worth of data collection procedures and canon the adams john a dissertation on feudal law and your course. Once ideas begin swirling about in their research made them make their decisions about religion are the shorter forms of postmodernist interpretation, freed of any memorable student-teacher bond
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